Protein Research
Cell and Gene Therapy
Genomics and Cellular Research
Pall Medical
Cell and Gene Therapy
/ Cell and Gene Therapy
Think ahead: Preparing for challenges to accelerate your cell therapy...
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CAR T therapies are gaining increased attention due to their demonstrated potential in patient outcomes. For a successful commercialization of these therap...
about 1 hour
Sefia™ cell therapy manufacturing platform: Features designed to redu...
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Reduce operator-derived errors with the help of Sefia™ platform. Keep an eye on how everything is going: the system’s functionally closed design and automa...
34 minutes
State of cell and gene therapy
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According to data from our 2023 Global Biopharma Resilience Index, 55% of pharma leaders are happy with the speed of drug approvals — meaning 45% feel ther...
30 minutes
Cytiva cell and gene therapy Fast Trak™ services
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Learn all about Fast Trak™ services from Cytiva from our very own Fast Trak™ Global Technical Leader, Sabrina Carmichael. In this video, you’ll get an over...
25 minutes
In silico optimization of AAV full/empty particle separation with AIEX
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The separation of adeno-associated virus (AAV) with high yield and purity is an increasingly important challenge. Mechanistic modeling is the tool of choic...
38 minutes
Cell therapy up unTIL now
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As cell therapy rapidly progresses, tumor infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapies are playing a significant role in shaping the field. What milestones ena...
40 minutes
Case study: becoming the first GMP-certified cell & gene therapy manu...
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In this webinar, we’ll discuss our journey in becoming the first GMP-certified cell and gene therapy manufacturing facility in Thailand. During the journey...
33 minutes
Virtual demo of the ÄKTA ready™ chromatography system
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Learn more about the latest addition to our family of single use chromatography systems and how this will enable you to better purify small volumes in a GM...
about 1 hour
How reducing labor time can save on your cell therapy manufacturing c...
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In the early clinical development stage of autologous cell therapy manufacture, labor costs often dominate the overall cost of goods sold. However, as manu...
28 minutes
Sepax C-Pro system — Versatility meets efficiency
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As a major supplier for cell and gene therapy manufacturers, Cytiva continuously strives to advance and accelerate new therapeutics by bringing innovative ...
43 minutes