Advancements in Antibody Purification
Karen Dickson, Group Leader Protein Expression and Purification, Kymab
Karen earned her degree in Microbiology from Liverpool University and did a PhD in Biotechnology at Birmingham University. Since then she has worked exclusively in industry in both small biotech companies and large pharma mainly based in Cambridge, UK. Initially she worked on enzyme purification from E.coli, yeast and insect cells systems to support pharmaceutical development of assays, structural analysis for drug design and production of biocatalysts. She has dabbled in molecular biology and protein expression systems over the years, but her main passion has always been purification at both research lab scale and development. For the last 15 years she has been focused on antibody purification, developing processes, liaising with CDMOs, managing purification, and expression teams and trying to improve the flow of pipeline projects from research to development.
Michel Eppink, Senior Director Downstream Processing, Byondis BV
Michel received his MSc. in Biology/Chemistry in 1993 from the University of Utrecht and his PhD in 1999 from the Wageningen University and Research at the Laboratory of Biochemistry with background in structure/function relationships of proteins. Michel Eppink has more than 30 years of experience in Downstream Processing and currently is Senior Director Downstream Processing at Byondis BV heading a department of 30 highly skilled coworkers developing purification/formulation processes for biopharmaceutical proteins such as monoclonal antibodies and antibody drug conjugates.
Next to that Michel Eppink is Special Professor at the Department of Bioprocess Engineering at Wageningen University and Research heading a group of PhD candidates in the research of biorefinery technologies such as new purification/analytical techniques for proteins/lipids/carbohydrates from different eukaryotic organisms (e.g. mammalian cell lines, macroalgae, microalgae, yeast). In the Netherlands Michel is a section member of the Downstream Processing section of the Dutch Biotechnology Association. Internationally he is chair of the Microalgae Bioengineering Section of the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and scientific committee member of the International Symposium of Proteins and Peptides Purifications (ISPPP).
Paul Randolph, Downstream processing lead, Janssen, US
Paul Randolph has more than 30 years of experience developing, transferring and supporting commercialbiologic manufacturing, with a focus on downstream processing. He is the currently the Janssen DSP lead for the Mosaic GP140 (HIV vaccine) purification process. In addition to project support, he is responsible for leading the Janssen Parenteral Center ofInnovation (PCI) Downstream Sub-team, and driving downstream technical developments such as Protein A resin lifecycle management improvements and chromatography profile analysis (GDTA) across our internal and external sites. Throughout his career he has been involved with and lead efforts in process intensification and to improve process productivity, efficiency. Paul is active in the BPOG Continuous DSP and NIIMBL Flexibility workstreams.
Gunnar Malmquist, Principal Scientist, Cytiva
Gunnar Malmquist is aprincipal scientist at Cytiva and an analytical chemist by training with focus on chromatography and data analytics. He started his career at Pharmacia Fine Chemicals in 1979, working with quality control of chromatographic separation resins. He was later involved in the development of the ÄKTA chromatographic system and the UNICORN software, before moving in 1997 to development and characterization of preparative chromatographic resins. He has been responsible for the design of several of the leading resins on the market, including MabSelect and Capto. Currently he is focused on resin design strategies, Quality by Design and PAT, as well as using multivariate data analytics and mechanistic modelling to understand biomanufacturing processes.